P.O. BOX 757 Marstons Mills, MA 02648

The # 1 Fundamental of Monthly Giving


I’m so excited… Because monthly giving is becoming more and more popular! Systems keep getting easier and easier.  More organizations have seen the ‘monthly donor light!’

But yet, so many organizations are slow to come on board.  With just a little bit of training, you too can start your monthly donor program and grow that sustainable revenue you need to keep your operating budget growing!

A few years ago, it was all about systems. That’s not the case any longer. You can literally create a monthly donor page in a few minutes, so no more excuses.

Let’s look at one of the biggest fundamentals of monthly donor programs: ASKING.

Building a monthly donor program requires that you ask donors to do so. The more you ask, the more monthly donors you’ll get.  I see the biggest successes with organizations that start with the low hanging fruit in their organization (board, staff, volunteers) and then expand to donors by asking all the time. They start by asking on their donation pages. They ask in their emails. On their reply forms. In their newsletters. They create special invitations.

The more you ask, the more you grow. The more you’ll see monthly donors’ tremendous power. 

If you’re still not convinced,  talk to some organizations who have started building their program. Look at their annualized value.  If you see that the current average gift of a monthly donor is some $24 a month, that’s $288 a year!  What if you were to grow to 100, to 1,000 to 10,000 monthly donors… $28,800, $288,000, $2,800,000… what’s your goal?

Some of the organizations I’m proud to work with now see 50 to 60% of their revenue from monthly donors. So, start asking… Your donors will love you for it because you’re allowing even small donors to help execute your mission.

To help you, check out the monthly giving webinars at Charity How To today and go to www.adirectsolution.com for resources about monthly giving and sign up to follow my #MonthlyDonorMonday with practical tips every week. And if you have any questions, just ask! We’re here to make your life as a fundraiser easier and monthly giving will certainly help you do that.

Published by Charity How To on January 6, 2017.

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