As a monthly donor, I support many organizations. Frankly, until I sit down at the end of the year to prepare for my taxes, I
If you’ve heard me speak or read some of my blogs, you already know that I always advocate for the following: The more opportunities you
As I’m getting ready for my second cataract surgery this week, it has started to dawn on me the tremendous eye-opening results I’ve already experienced
Donor-advised funds — a lot has been written about it. Especially with the changes in tax laws, more and more donors have “flocked” to it.
Take a look at this beautiful Word Cloud. It’s based on the answers to an exercise we recently did in a sustainer workshop. (Thank you,
At the recent sustainer workshop, we asked people present about their biggest monthly gift challenges. You see that staff is a big challenge, along with
Reach out to us to schedule time to talk about your Monthly Giving Program.
Contact Details
Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 757
Marstons Mills, MA 02648
Phone: 508-776-1224
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