I’ve been working with monthly donor programs for more than 25 years now. Wow, so much has changed. Monthly giving has become so incredibly easy
Monthly giving programs are becoming more and more popular revenue sources. If you want to nail your own monthly giving strategies to ramp up your nonprofit’s revenue, then
This was a tough week for me. I got home from a trip and then got hit by this terrible cold. Boy, I haven’t been
Metrics! When I moved from a big international nonprofit to the agency side almost 18 years ago now, my then boss Tom Hurley quickly taught
Earlier this week, I was talking with a client about their newsletter. It’s mailed to their monthly donors as a cultivation piece, with wonderful stories
“If you don’t have a monthly donor program yet, you’d be wise to make that part of your plan for next calendar year and perhaps
Reach out to us to schedule time to talk about your Monthly Giving Program.
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Marstons Mills, MA 02648
Phone: 508-776-1224
E-mail: info@adirectsolution.com
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