If you’re starting to get involved with your monthly giving program, you will come across some of these terms: EFT, ACH, Automatic Bank Withdrawal, Direct Debit.
Here are the Top 3 take-aways from Ring, Ring, what’s that retention tool doing in my living room? session At the recent Bridge Conference, held
Guest blog for Pamela Grow Every gift matters. What do monthly donors and major donors have in common? The answer: each type of donor gives
This post appeared as a guest post for DonorPerfect What metrics will convince your board to start a monthly giving program? If you’re like a lot
Guest blog written for DonorPerfect You must absolutely start a monthly giving program. There, I’ve said it. And you’ll hear me say it time
Yes, it’s absolutely true. You really can generate new monthly donors by using direct mail. Just remember two things: 1. Ask the right donors 2. Ask the
Reach out to us to schedule time to talk about your Monthly Giving Program.
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