Guest blog written for DonorPerfect You must absolutely start a monthly giving program. There, I’ve said it. And you’ll hear me say it time
Yes, it’s absolutely true. You really can generate new monthly donors by using direct mail. Just remember two things: 1. Ask the right donors 2. Ask the
This was just published as a guest blog in Tom Ahern’s email newsletter… Thank you Tom. I am deeply humbled. In nonprofit labor relations news…
Monthly giving now is EASIER to set up than it’s ever been! I’ve been managing monthly giving programs for a very long time! (for more
A question fundraisers often ask me, is: “Can I send appeals to my monthly donors?” My answer is a resounding YES!! Sending annual appeals should be part
This is always an interesting question. How much or how little can you spend to generate a monthly donor? The answer: it depends! From what
Reach out to us to schedule time to talk about your Monthly Giving Program.
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Marstons Mills, MA 02648
Phone: 508-776-1224
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