P.O. BOX 757 Marstons Mills, MA 02648

It’s OK to Repeat a Message

I’m not going to write about monthly donors for a change. Instead, now is the time to get as many one-time gifts, which will help feed your monthly donor program next year. The year-end appeal season is here. The clock is ticking… The mail pile is growing… The inbox is overflowing… The question is: How […]

Using A Match To Increase Your Nonprofits Monthly Giving Success

There are many opportunities to generate monthly donors, if you’re willing to use them. I’ve given you several options in past blogs, but here is one of the BEST ways to make a real splash and generate a substantial number of new monthly donors in a very short period. It’s by using a MATCH.  It literally […]

When Is a Good Time to Launch Monthly Giving?

During a recent webinar, someone asked me: “Does the timing of the launch of your monthly giving program make a difference? Are there certain times of the year that are better to start a monthly giving program?” My answer is twofold: If your organization is really gung-ho about monthly giving — as in, you almost […]

The 5 Crucial Parts of a Potential Donor Outreach Plan

Guest blog by Raviraj Hegde, the director of growth at Donorbox.   For nonprofits of any size and type, reaching out to donors and prospects is key. But, what outreach strategies should your nonprofit focus on each month? The more you involve your community in your organization, the more support you’ll receive. An effective outreach […]

Try Something New With Your Monthly Donors

Fundraisers are fascinating. Sometimes, they want to try something new and forget about proven approaches and channels. Other times, they are too afraid to even consider something new. I get it. If you’re worried that you’re not going to make your goals, you’ll put on the brakes. If you think that your donors might get […]

Face-to-Face Fundraising, What is it?

Article written by Erica Waasdorp and Naseem Saloojee Let’s start with the definition first: Face-to-Face (F2F) is a term originally coined in Europe. According to the UK Institute of Fundraising, “Face-to-face fundraising activity enables charities to engage with the public in an effective and compelling way to reach new supporters.” F2F is not to be confused […]

Fundraisers: Don’t Have Any Regrets

Last week was a tough week. My father-in-law passed away after five days in hospice care and three weeks of going in and out of the hospital with an infection. Before that, he was quite healthy and very much with us. He told the most amazing stories of his World War II fighter pilot flights […]

How Can You Find a Good Name for Your Monthly Donor Program?

This is one of those recurring questions I get whenever I present on monthly giving, so it may be time to address it again.  Organizations often “agonize” about the name for a monthly giving program. Many are holding up the launch of it. Do yourself a favor: Don’t delay. You can always recognize donors later! […]

2 New Ways to Calculate the Value of Monthly Donors!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’m always looking for ways to help you convince your boss or board that it’s time to put a bit of time into generating more monthly donors. Time is really all it takes now, because the tools are already there. You just have to make […]

Supercharge Sustainer Retention With Face-to-Face Fundraising, Part 2

By Erica Waasdorp , Paul Tavatgis and Sherry Bell Retention. It’s something every single one of us struggles with. And no matter how a new sustainer came on board (digitally, direct mail, telephone, face-to-face, TV or other), the first three months after sign-up are critical to retaining new sustainers. But when it comes to recurring donors acquired via face-to-face (also […]