P.O. BOX 757 Marstons Mills, MA 02648

Sustainers, from a different angle

At the end of September, DMAW organized its first Sustainer Week. It consisted of a session every day, totally focused on sustainers (of course), from a different angle. As someone who is totally committed to recurring giving, I’m really excited about the DMAW and the education committees with such a sustainer-focused approach. If you too […]

Are There Links Among Donor Budgets, DAF Gifts and Recurring Giving?

Did you know that Americans who include monetary charitable giving in their annual budget gave nearly seven times, on average, than those who do not budget at all? That’s the outcome of the online survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Vanguard Charitable, a nonprofit that administers donor-advised funds (DAFs). […]

How a Birthday Call Can Make a Difference

Happy Birthday

If you’ve not yet read the book “Hooked on a Feeling” by Francesco Ambrogetti, I can highly recommend it. I started it, expecting all kinds of feelings to be described, and I was ready to read all about great storytelling, tugging at the heartstrings messaging, etc. Instead, the book is filled with lots of great research on […]

Why Donor Testimonials are Important

Whether you want to call it social proof, a testimonial — it doesn’t really matter. Donor’s love hearing from other donors. It helps give them that “extra” little push or nudge if you will. This works in major gift fundraising. This works in general fundraising. It especially works with recurring giving. If someone tells why they’re […]

How Do You Track and Record Recurring Gifts?

At a recent list serve, someone asked about how best to track initial and subsequent recurring gifts. There are two ways to do this. Note that your finance/accounting/bookkeeping folks may have a different approach, so it’s important to involve them in any decisions you make about this. As recurring gifts have no end date, so […]

Ask Donors To Consider a Recurring Donor Advised Fund Gift

Donor advised funds are all the craze lately. Now is the time to motivate those donors who want to optimize their tax deductions this year to consider a gift from their donor advised fund. Or, if they don’t have a donor advised fund set up yet, they may wish to consider it. Did you know […]

How Greed Can Undermine Your Monthly Giving Program

Greedy? Who me?  In a recent #monthlygiving post on the Moceanic members-only Facebook group, Julie Cooper posted this:  “This afternoon I got a call from a well-known mega nonprofit to upgrade my giving to monthly. As typical, they hired a third-party fundraising company to solicit the donation. The very nice person on the other end […]

Push Through To Find the Next 100 Monthly Donors

Over the years, I’ve worked with nonprofits of all sizes — small, midsize, large — when it comes to monthly donors. A few of those smaller organizations started out earlier this year with 15 monthly donors. Now, a few months later, they are at 65 by introducing just a few additional ways to generate new […]

Why Monthly Giving is Easy!

  During the recent Virtual Summit for Nonprofit Changemakers , Ashton Rodenhiser did this wonderful visual overview of what I talked about for 45 minutes. Mind you, she had only heard me speak once before with a different monthly giving focus. It’s truly amazing how she can capture the essence of the session.  If nothing else, […]

Who Are the Quiet Leaders in Sustainer Giving?

What’s the first nonprofit you think of with a huge sustainer program? Did you guess your local public broadcasting station? Probably not. But yet, most public TV and radio stations are leading the pact when it comes to sustainer giving. They started asking for monthly gifts many years ago. If you look at the most […]